How Far Do You Love Me
FOR THE WEEKEND, share this fun title with your child and their grandparent or special friend!
How Far Do You Love Me takes you on a journey across the globe to see how far your love can stretch. Explore the globe from Mexico to Antarctica and Switzerland to Vietnam and get a glimpse into the beauty of the bonds of love in different cultures.
How Far Do You Love Me takes you on a journey across the globe to see how far your love can stretch. Explore the globe from Mexico to Antarctica and Switzerland to Vietnam and get a glimpse into the beauty of the bonds of love in different cultures.
Practice this Comprehension Strategy--Compare and Contrast:
How Far Do You Love Me brings the reader on a journey across the globe and gives you a peek into the lives of the people who live their. Have your child find the similarities and differences in terms of how they relate to the families they see in the pages. How do the families in the story differ from each other? Use the pictures to talk about the clothes, the landscapes and the environments on each page.
Do this with your child:
Author Lulu Delacre was inspired to write How Far Do You Love Me based on a game she would play with her daughters. Have your child play How Far Do You Love Me with a grandparent or special friend and explore how far their love can go.
You can find How Far Do You Love Me from the publisher Lee & Low Books here.