Friday, February 17, 2017


FOR THE WEEKEND, share this title with your child. We are celebrating changes!

Maple is appropriate for children of all ages.

Image result for maple lori nichols

Maple is a charming story from Lori Nichols about a spunky little girl and her very own tree. Maple's parents planted a tree when she was just a baby. Maple and her tree grow and experience the seasons together. Maple's tree isn't always the best playmate, but it doesn't mind when she is in the mood to be loud. One day, Maple becomes a big sister and she does her best to be the greatest big sister she can be. When she discovers that her baby sister also likes to be loud, she knows just what to do.

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Retelling:
After you read Maple ask your child to tell you the story. As they turn the pages for you, have them tell you the names of the characters and the events that they recall happening on each page. If they need help, prompt them with a question about the information. If they tell you a complete different story, that is also fine! By engaging their memory and imagination they are furthering their involvement with the entire experience of reading. 

Do this with your child:
Maple spends much of her time outside, playing with and around her favorite tree. Is there a tree in your backyard or your favorite park? Have you ever sat underneath and watched the leaves dance like Maple does sometimes? Next time you're by a tree, lie below it and just watch and listen. Talk with your child about the sights and the sounds of the tree. You can also bring along a fun activity sheet provided by the author here.

If you're interested in sharing Maple with your child you can find it from Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group here. You can like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter & Instagram for more inspiration.

Click here to learn more about Raising A Reader and the work we do to promote early literacy and family engagement. 

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